Custom Mouthguards at Essential Care Dental
Sporting accidents are one of the most common causes of dental trauma. When playing sports with the potential of contact, whether from another person or even from a ball, a mouthguard is highly recommended. At Essential Care Dental, we can generally have a custom-made mouthguard for you in one week.
Safeguard Your Smile
During a heavy collision, a mouthguard helps protect and prevent chipped or broken teeth, permanent nerve damage, loss of teeth, and even injury to your lips and surrounding tissues. Injuries like these can often lead to a long and potentially expensive treatment to restore them and the mouth back to normal function and appearance.
We’re proud to sponsor many local sports clubs.
What About Over-the-Counter Ones?
Only a mouthguard professionally made to fit your mouth will provide the maximum protection available, by absorbing the impact of any knocks to the area. The ‘boil and bite’ types found in the shops do not adapt, and therefore, will not offer the same protection as a custom-fitted one.
Tips to Remember
- Wear your mouthguard during practice, as well as when playing games or competing.
- Don’t forget to bring your mouthguards with you for your checkups, so your dentist can ensure it still fits and is effective.
- Be sure to store your mouthguard in a rigid container away from the sun and in a reasonably cool area.
- You should clean your mouthguard every time you use it with warm soapy water, and thoroughly clean all the mouthguard surfaces with a toothbrush. If you don’t clean your dental appliance, such as a mouthguard, it becomes full of bacteria which can cause decay.
Book an Appointment
Contact us today to schedule an appointment with one of our dentists!