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Take Advantage of Preventative Benefits

woman in a dentist's chair, getting a checkupIf you’re part of a dental health fund, you’re entitled to regular preventative care visits every six months! During your checkup, you’ll have the opportunity to get ahead of tooth decay and gum disease, which is the leading cause of adult tooth loss.

Why Do I Need a Scale and Clean?

Booking a scale and clean every six months gives you a “clean slate” that’s easier to maintain with daily brushing and flossing. Over time, plaque buildup calcifies into tartar under your gums and on the roots of your teeth. Without a professional clean, the buildup causes bone resorption and gum detachment, which won’t grow back on its own.

Early Screening for Disease

Part of your exam includes evaluating your mouth for signs of oral cancer and periodontal disease. Since symptoms can be hard to detect on your own, early diagnosis is crucial to keeping you healthy. If you’ve noticed any sores that aren’t healing or spots inside your mouth that look different than similar tissues around them, let us know straight away.

Limit Dental Work

When we detect early signs of tooth demineralisation, we can use fluoride treatments and home care to reverse the decay process. But regular checkups are crucial. If you skip a scale and clean, you may have an active cavity inside your tooth by the next time we see you.

Keep Your Teeth for Life

Comprehensive preventative care makes it possible to keep your natural smile for a lifetime. Our family dentist will give you the resources and information you need to protect your teeth as long as possible. That’s why your health fund covers regular scale and cleans every six months!

A Preventative Approach to Care

Did you know that most dental problems are preventable? Book your next scale and clean today to get your smile back on the right track.

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